Welcome to django-rules-light’s documentation!

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This is a simple alternative to django-rules. The core difference is that it uses as registry that can be modified on runtime, instead of database models.

One of the goal is to enable developpers of external apps to make rules, depend on it, while allowing a project to override rules.

Example your_app/rules_light_registry.py:

# Everybody can read a blog post (for now!):
rules_light.registry['blog.post.read'] = True

# Require authentication to create a blog post, using a shortcut:
rules_light.registry['blog.post.create'] = rules_light.is_authenticated

def is_staff_or_mine(user, rule, obj):
    return user.is_staff or obj.author == user

# But others shouldn't mess with my posts !
rules_light.registry['blog.post.update'] = is_staff_or_mine
rules_light.registry['blog.post.delete'] = is_staff_or_mine

Example your_app/views.py:

class PostDetailView(generic.DetailView):
    model = Post

class PostCreateView(generic.CreateView):
    model = Post

class PostUpdateView(generic.UpdateView):
    model = Post

class PostDeleteView(generic.DeleteView):
    model = Post

You might want to read the tutorial for more.

What’s the catch ?

The catch is that this approach does not offer any feature to get secure querysets.

This means that the developper has to:

  • think about security when making querysets,
  • override eventual external app ListViews,


  • Python 2.7+ (Python 3 supported)
  • Django 1.4+

Quick Install

  • Install module: pip install django-rules-light,
  • Add to settings.INSTALLED_APPS: rules_light,
  • Add in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: rules_light.middleware.Middleware,
  • Add in urls.py: rules_light.autodiscover(),

You might want to read the tutorial.

There is also a lot of documentation, from the core to the tools, including pointers to debug, log and test your security.

Indices and tables